It is the first quarter of this year 2025 ... and after the severe impact of the virus on business in the years 2020-2022, the gradual return to normal life in 2023, and in 2024 has indeed taken place, and even vigorously, but alas and crash!.. Wars and Conflicts are on the program: In Ukraine (for 33 months now!), then the monstrous terrorist attack on Israel, more than a year ago already, on October 7, 2023 (and not all the hostages have yet been reunited with their loved ones), then the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict where the survival of Armenia is at stake, and just a few weeks ago the overthrow of the regime in Syria... The list of wars and conflicts in the world is growing dangerously long ... We hear more and more talk of "War Economy" and rearmament ... the energy crisis, inflation (more or less controlled depending on the country), and tensions upcoming international negotiations in 2025 impact business more or less strongly depending on the sector. Some countries have started a gigantic strategy of disruption (symbolized by a chainsaw in Argentina, or by a new Department to come like the DOGE in the USA), other countries will follow this trend to eliminate (a little) the waste of the administrative millefeuille… The world stock markets are at their highest because inflation seems to be calming down a little, and it is possible that the price of fossil fuels (Oil and Gas) will be contained in 2025 with the strong development of production in the USA and Canada coming to reshuffle the cards… But the conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere can once again cause the prices of fossil fuels to soar! On the other hand, corporate budgets are tightening, the difficulties of recruiting the right profiles are increasing, and generative AI is changing things at lightning speed, and the AI ​​sector is getting carried away (new ultra-powerful chips, a profusion of new start-ups that will create "AI Agents" and perhaps the word "Agentics" will replace the historic word "Computer Science"!) In the business world, the priority is now resilience to protect existing business above all, and at the same time the audacity to launch as many initiatives as possible to create new business using AI! Meanwhile, in France, after a totally successful Rugby World Cup in 2023, then the magnificent Olympic Games in Paris 2024 (in the tense atmosphere of the dissolution of the National Assembly and the elections) should bring even more confidence (we very much hope so!) for the acceleration of business in this turbulent, violent and very sad international environment... Will 2025 be better? On the energy side, we will need it more and more, whether it is renewable or not! The energy crisis, which is only just beginning, will force us to accelerate the transition, but it will be very long and very costly. This is yet another challenge that requires us to increase our creative efforts tenfold!

For the activities of Consulting, Training, or Coaching, every service delivered before in "PRESENTIAL" (or Face to Face) have been completely redesigned in a "DISTANCIAL" model. And we have invested in new tools like "Miro" ("www.miro.com") for the collaborative work within our services in Training and Coaching.

A tough task of development which was mandatory in order to survive!.

What is absolutely true in any case now is as follows :

1/ We'll spend even less on maintenance of applications, but much more on innovation...
as much more activity will happen online

2/ Most of the growth in computing is driven by new markets,
called SMACS & IA (social, mobile, analytics, cloud, security, and Generative IA)

3/ We notice a hypergrowth in Cloud Activities for many vendors.

Key points for this quarter                   
Gartner published his "Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends for 2025"
(See content here) But how this Gartner prediction will be impacted by the Intennational context ?                   
The IT segments that are likely to drive new growth in cloud technologies: (IAAS) infrastructure as a service, (IPAS) integrated platform as a service, and (CPAS) communication platform as service. And why not "IOTAS", which means "Internet Of Things As a Service". Other technologies to watch include collaboration, workforce analysis, message-oriented video middleware, cybersecurity, analytics, and storage, all of which are linked to the digital transformation efforts of the Enterprise.”

Gartner Forecasts Worldwide IT Spending to Grow 9.3%in 2025 (See content here)

The main problem in 2025 resides in 3 words : Resilience, Resilience, and Resilience... and as always find new Customers, serve them, and retain them! Most importantly, protect and develop the Customer Relationship Level
(Please see our service « LOR » Level Of Relationship )

New IT developments are accelerating e-commerce, especially m-commerce (transactions via smartphones), and these areas are growing faster than all the rest, all industries combined.
In 2025 Companies (for those who will survive!)will continue to reduce their IT maintenance costs and reallocate funds for "Resilinece Projects", and other new projects that bring more business value. The three keywords Cloud, Mobile, Social are driving the trend, but now also with Analytics, Security and Generative IA everywhere!

Time is going fast, and more than ever planning is key. Protecting business and Resilience are the keywords! Currently the business environment has 3 pressures : Financial, Economic and Politic...
Be ready to help your Accounts for their Resilience Plan and help them to create New Business (In 2025 some Economic Sectors are acceleratiing this transition : HEALTH, SECURITY,... and ENERGY savings!). We expect a significant increase in IT spending in the Cloud Computing Services(Private, Public or Hybrid).
• Channel Partners play also a key role in many Industries!
Services and « SaaS » are leading the pack.

As a quick summary, you can overcome the 2025 pressures if you build your Resilience Plan. Do not hesitate to contact us and talk about your specific needs. Send us a quick email here

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